

July: Keynote called Shifting curatorial paradigms: The Marriage of Real and Virtual Worlds @MEET Digital Culture Center for The New Atlas of Digital Art

May: TRT 2 TV interview on “Who Is Afraid of Contemporary Art for the Understanding Digital Art Section”

May: Co-Curator of the Istanbul Digital Art festival at AKM in Istanbul.

April: NewImages invited Market participant and panelist on Curating XR:Challenges and Opportunities moderated by Mark Atkin with Maria Grazia Mattei, Shari Frilot, Stephanie Targuie and Myriam Achard

Stanza is a musical term used that refers to a poem set to music with a recurring pattern of both rhyme and matter. The exhibition Stanza for IDAF24 asks what is real in music crossing different boundaries of musical styles as well as performing arts. These artworks are created by an international group of early innovators in the fusion of Digital Art and Music.. Artists include: Portrait XO (LA), Matthew D. Gantt (New York),  Juan Cortes

and Juan Jose Lopez from Atractor and Semantica studios (Columbia) , Alexa Pollman,Bruno Martelli, Bine Roth and Ruth Gibson (London), Hsin-Chien Huang(Taiwan) and Jean- Michel Jarre (France), Holly Herndon and Matthew Dryhurst  (USA, Berlin), Pinar Yoldas (Turkey/USA), Memo Akten (Turkey/USA), Ning Tsai (Taiwan),and Hamza Kirbas (Turkey/ USA), Matthew Neiderhauser and Marc Da Costa (USA)
There is a new era beginning in XR (extended reality) for musicians who work with visual imagery. These audio-visual fusions have produced new compositions in which music and art exist as one fully integrative expression. Music has become an expanded reality. In this exhibition music takes multiple forms not only aural but physically interactive and immersive.
The art exhibition includes extended reality or XR such as VR installation, interactive  Immersive music  installations , live-minting AI Audiovisual installation, MOCAP interactive VR dance performances, and  sound installations.


December: On jury for Best of Technology (FilmGate Interactive festival Miami)

June: Moderator of panel: The Future of Digital Art with Eduardo Katz, Solimàn López, Kobi Walsh and Nabat Gharakhanova

June: Co-curator of The Istanbul Digital Art festival international section: Laurent Mignoneau, Christa Sommerer, Tamiko Thiel, Solimán López @AKM center in Istanbul

May: Keynote “Art in Translation” @MEET Digital Culture Center

April: Moderator of panel presented at Paris+ by Tezos and Blokhaus with Carlota Dochao Naveira  and Roei Amit on “How will Immersive
and Experiential Art Forms Evolve with the Advancement of Blockchain Technology?”

April: “Cadenza” @MEET Digital Culture Center: The exhibition Cadenza is an international exhibition with many early innovators in the fusion of Digital Art and music. The name Cadenza is a music term that means the moment in time when an instrumentalist or singer is allowed to improvise out of the prescribed rhythm of the music piece. The artists in the exhibition include: Miao Xiaochun (Beijing), Claudia Hart (New York), Martina Menegon (Vienna) with Alexander Martinz (Vienna), Portrait XO (LA), Sophie Kahn (Brooklyn,Australia), Ranbir Kaleka (Delhi), Matthew D.Gantt (New York), Kim Joon (Seoul), Kurt Hentschlager (New York, Austria), Tamiko Thiel (Munich), and Matteo Zamagni (London). The exhibition can be viewed in person with a virtual reality headset as well as by a computer since it was created in a social web based VR platform.

March: Moderator of panel @SxSW “How is XR Changing the Music Industry” panel with Jean-Michel Jarre, Hsin-Chien Huang and Maud Clauvier”

January: Co-curator The NFT Biennial launch at ZKM in Istanbul and traveled to 9 countries

The NFT pavillion Chrysalis is an international exhibition of both visual and sound artists /composers whose work explores the many facets of man’s interrelationship with technology and nature. The artists explore issues of identity, ecology, spirituality, embodied cognition and technical transformation. Their artistic pratices are quite varied ranging from sculpture, to XR and Digital Art. The exhibition includes Carla Gannis (Brooklyn), Tamiko Thiel (Munich), Matteo Zamagni (London), Hsin-Chien Huang (Taipei), Sophie Kahn (Australia/Brooklyn), Portrait XO (Los Angeles) and Matthew D. Gantt ( New York). The exhibition will be exhibited in various formats including large scale projections, monitors, AR, and VR.

Chrysalis itself refers to the third stage in a butterfly’s life cycle. The caterpillar creates the chrysalis around him prior to his final stage in his life cycle when he emerges finally as a butterfly.. With technology being our symbolic chrysalis, how do we balance or integrate our historical, socio-cultural and psychological ideas with our dependence on technology? How does technology shape our identity? The artist’s in this exhibition explore the boundaries that we create between nature and technology, our bodies and our world view.


June: Keynote for The New Atlas of Digital Art @MEET Culture Center (Milan) “Museums and Immersive Worlds”

May: 2nd International Media and Society Symposium in the Immersive Art section keynote: New Ways of Exhibiting Digital Art

May: Appearance on TRT World Program on NFT ART (Istanbul) with Frèdèric Laffy

April: Moderated panel at The Venice Biennial Cameron Pavillion with Tamiko Thiel, Marlies Wirth, Marc-Olivier Wahler, Eduardo Katz, and Boris Magrini on NFT Art

April: Moderator of panel at Cameroon National Pavillion at the Venice Biennale on “NFT Art and Reimagining Collaborations with Cultural Institutions “ with Eduardo Katz, Tamiko Thiel, Marc-Olivier Wahler (director of MAH Geneva), Boris Magrini (curator at HeK Basel), Marlies Wirth (curator at MAK in Vienna)

April: Lecture for Innocult program at MEET Digital Culture Center (Milan) for 30 cultural institutions on “Decoding Web3, Metaverse and NFT’s”.

March: Moderated Tezos panel @SxSW with Sophie Kahn,Colette Robbins, and Portrait XO

March: From On-Site exhibitions to Digital Art:A Journey Through Different Dimensions

February: Curated Tamiko Thiel End / p “Enter the Plastocene” at MEET Digital Culture Center (Milan)


Art advisor/curator for Art Consortium

November: Lecturer at NYU (virtually) on the Visual and Performing Arts in VR

April: Jury member and curator of Transmutation with Tim Deussen, Katharina Haverich , Brenda Lopez and Anneli Ann Goeller

March: Co-curator of immersiVR with Georgio Vitale at Synthesis gallery

Feb: VR workshop series for MEET which consists of 3 workshops

Feb: Curator for Synthetic Corpo-Reality. The grand opening for  MEET (Milan) virtual exhibition space. Artists include: Miao Xiaochun, Zhou Xiaohu, Claudia Hart, Tamiko Thiel, Rebecca Allen, Auriea Harvey, Sophie Kahn, Martina Menengon,Tim Deussun, Carla Gannis

Curator of second exhibition for Feral File; Matthew Gantt, Claudia Hart, Sophie Kahn, Auriea Harvey, Carla Gannis and Martina Menegon


Creation of CVAM (Chicago Virtual Art Museum): A digital art museum with an ongoing exhibitions of digital art in a social VR platform

2016 - 2019

VR/AR Research & Development: Researched and interviewed VR/AR artists, curators, and technology consultants. This included international travel
to VR festivals, conferences, and art exhibitions.


"In Search of Reality" VR Exhibition

Curated “In Search of Reality” VR exhibition for the Sonia Dhillon-Marty Foundation taking place during the UNESCO kick off party in Paris. Artists: Tamiko Thiel, Alfredo Salazar- Caro, Bianca Kennedy, Felix Kraus, David Guez, and Bastion Didier.

"In Search of Humanity" VR Exhibition


The exhibition questioned the boundaries of nature in regards to”improved”agricultural produce or genetically modified seeds. The show included sculptural installations and photography.

"Origins" by Han Seok Hyun


"Gagawaka" Making Strange | Artist Vivan Sundaram

Renegade promenade of models in wearable art walk through the Art India Fair in Delhi (India). The art was called “Gagawaka” created by Vivan Sundaram. Project included documentation by videographer and photographer.



Founder of Walsh Gallery, specializing in Asian Contemporary art in all mediums.

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