Winner of SAT Montreal’s 2018 Visionary Pioneer Award for 30+ years of media artworks exploring the interplay of place, space, the body and cultural identity in political and socially critical artworks. Lead product designer for Connection Machine CM1/CM2 A.I. supercomputer, in 1989 world’s fastest computer and now in MoMA NY. First virtual reality work 1994-1996 as Starbright World producer & creative director in collaboration with Steven Spielberg. VR art installation Beyond Manzanar (2000) in collection of San Jose Museum of Art; Land of Cloud (2017), created as GoogleVR artist in residence won 2018 VRHAM VR Festival Hamburg Audience Award. First augmented reality artwork ARt Critic Face Matrix was part of 2010 path-breaking AR intervention into MoMA NY, then organized 2011 AR intervention into Venice Biennial with Shades of Absence. AR commissions since then include Unexpected Growth for Whitney Museum NY, where it is now in the permanent collection. Most recent work: Lend Me Your Face! participatory deepfake artificial intelligence installation just premiered in the Künstlerverbund exhibit Götzendämmerung in Haus der Kunst, Munich.